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Life Counseling

For individuals seeking fuller integration and clearer interactions…

of Heart, Body, Mind, & Spirit.

A house divided against itself, cannot stand…


The authentic qualities of our hearts encompass the full range of our feelings; from love, gratitude, joy, curiosity, humor, adventurousness, openness, compassion; to listlessness, ambivalence, sadness, grief, anxiety, anger, depression, shame, & fear.

The seeds of each emotion are not confined to a sense of one specific time or a singular causal space, & yet they provide invaluable present insights into the ongoing interactions between our internal & external world.

Conditional love & lack of validation are common weeds in the garden of human emotion. Our challenge is not to replant or destroy; it’s to reawaken what is wise, strong, & whole within you.

Conscious listening and counseling can reveal the route to a deeper knowing, to more unconditional love of self, & to love of others; resulting in more “good fruit” for your life, your relationships, & your vocation.

Physical Self

Listening is a physical exchange. We think faster than we can talk. Conscious speaking and listening is a type of shared meditation.

When people are speaking & being truly heard, they engage…more fully, and most importantly, with themselves.


The intellect can be partly understood as our problem-solving thought-processor, which inevitably includes our worldviews, values, beliefs, priorities, and also what & how we think. Each combination is beautifully unique and fascinatingly complex.

The process of being consciously heard causes the most authentic qualities of your intellect to be amplified, as they are compassionately reflected back to you, moment-to-moment, free of judgement.

Some of what commonly passes as “deep thinking” can also be a form of veiled egoic self-criticism; your subconscious mind fighting to preserve old habits & patterns that may no longer be of the greatest service to you.

One-on-one counseling sessions remind us that our intuitive mind is a sacred gift. It also reinforces the idea that our rational mind may best be utilized as a powerful & faithful emissary, not as an overactive & misplaced master.

Spiritual Self

Each of us has an inner teacher, a voice of truth, that offers the guidance & power required to deal with our challenges.

We cultivate connection to your uniquely given & chosen qualities of Spirit, making your greatest gifts more readily available to you, especially when you need them most.

It takes two to speak truth - one to speak, and another to hear.
— Henry David Thoreau